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Installed: December 2023
System size: 220kW
Panels: 572 x Longi 500W
Inverter: 2 x Solis three phase 110kW
Mounting system: Renusol Kingspan Trapezoidal
Annual output: 216,229kWh
Annual C02 saving: 44,774kg
The Triangle Leisure Centre underwent a renovation of their sports hall. Comera Energy
was contracted to install solar PV on the roof. We were able to fit 572 x 500w panels
across two south facing roof elevations using a Renusol mounting system. The system
made use of 2 x 110 Kw Solis inverters and an external Solis export power manager.
This was to ensure compliance with the DNO requirements and to maximise available
solar power to the leisure centre facilities.
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